Accessories User's Manuals

downAngle Finder 2 AR | downAuto Winder F AR | downClose-up Lens AR | downDiopter Corrction Lens 2 AR / Eye Cup 2 AR | downEyepiece Converter AR | downMagnifier AR | downMicroscope Adapter 2 AR | downRemote Battery Pack AR for FS-1

Kindly, external linkKonica Europe GmbH granted me the permission to publish the user's manuals for the Konica SLRs on these internet pages. Thank you to Konica! Just now, the multi-lingual manuals are being scanned. Please take note that the manuals are subject to Konica's copyright and may not be re-published or sold – the data and print-outs from it are for personal use only.

As soon as the scanning is finished, the manuals will be available here as .pdf files for free dowonload.

The user's manuals for the accessories are available for download as pdf files behind the links below – for viewing or printing of these files you need a pdf viewer on your system, i. e. the free Adobe Reader.

If you do not yet have a pdf viewer installed on your system, you can download external linkAdobe Reader or external linkFoxit Reader, if you follow the links.

While creating the pdf files I tried to preserve the original layout and impression of the printed manuals as closely as possible. Spelling errors contained in the printed original were intentionally not corrected for this reason.

Link/file name Pages Contents File size
internal linkAngleFinder2ARManual.pdf 2 Angle Finder 2 AR
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Japanese, and Spanish
177 KB
internal linkAutoWinderFARManual.pdf1 2 Auto Winder F AR (External motor for FC-1/FP-1)
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Swedish, and Spanish
260 KB
internal linkClose-upLensARManual.pdf 1 Close-up Lens AR (Close-up attatchment lens)
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Japanese, and Spanish
99 KB
internal linkDiopterCorrectionLens2AR-EyeCup2AR.pdf 1 Diopter Correction Lens 2 AR / Eye Cup 2 AR
Complete user's manual
Englisch, German, French, Japanese, Spanish, and Swedish
205 KB
internal linkEyepieceConverterARManual.pdf 1 Eyepiece Converter AR (Eyepiece adapter)
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Japanese, Swedish, and Spanish
43 KB
internal linkMagnifierARManual.pdf 2 Magnifier AR
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Japanese, and Spanish
64 KB
internal linkMicroscopeAdapter2ARManual.pdf 16 Microscope Adapter 2 AR
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Japanese, and Spanish
475 KB
internal linkRemoteBatteryPackARforFS-1Manual.pdf 2 Remote Battery Pack AR for FS-1 (external battery compartment for FS-1)
Complete user's manual
English, German, French, Japanese, Swedish, and Spanish
157 KB

1In the original printed manual, the German and Swedish language text parts are mainly printed in blue, the specifications list on page 2 is underlayed with a blue box – unfortunately, this could not be reproduced by the OCR software's pdf export function.

More pages on Konica accessories:

internal linkOverview | internal linkFlashes and strobes | internal linkClose-up and macro accessories | internal linkWinder | internal linkBattery compartments | internal linkLens mount adapters | internal linkUser's manuals | upTop of page