Author and responsible for these pages is:

Andreas Buhl
Bremer Strasse 65
33613 Bielefeld
Data Privacy Statement
With using my web site, you agree with data collection, data processing and data usage according to the following description. My web site can be visited and used without any registration. When doing so, the following data will be collected and saved in server log files on the web server for statistical purposes. This data cannot be connected to your person directly, as the IP addresses in the log files are anonymized:
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This data will sporadically and exclusively locally be analyzed by me, to find faults and to optimize the web site accessibility and usability. Any collected data will not be given or transferred to any third party.
Analyzing Services like Google Analytics, Google AdSense and similar, which can track user behaviour and collect information about other web sites you visit, are not being used by my web site. Neither does the web site contain any social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter or similar, as these could also track user behaviour.
Personal data, particularly name or e-mail address, will only be collected and saved if you leave an entry in the guest book or if you write me a personal e-mail. When you leave an entry in the guest book, the name and e-mail address you specify will be visible publicly to other visitors. The data will not be given actively to third parties. The collected data, particularly name and e-mail addresses, will only be used for answering you when you contact me with a question, and they will not be shared with third parties.
Other things
About these pages:
These pages are a private hobby project out of personal interest and are strictly non-commercial. All information on this site is compiled to my best knowledge. Mistakes or missing information are possible, however.
I'd be grateful for hints to these mistakes...
All texts, tables, graphics and photos contained on this site (with the exception of the W3C-HTML 4.01 logo and the lens diagrams) have been made by myself and are subject to copyright restrictions. Use for other publications – no matter what the media and even more so for commercial purposes – are only allowed with my expressive written consent. Please send inquiries as e-mail to the above address.
All user's manuals and advertisement leaflets as well as the lens diagrams shown on this site are also subject of copyright restrictions. The copyright for these publications belongs to the Konica-Minolta company or to Foto-Quelle, respectively (for the Revue user's manuals). The publication on this site is with expressive written authorization from Konica-Minolta Germany or Foto-Quelle, respectively. Further publishing of this data or use for commercial purposes like sale of data or sale of print-outs is expressively forbidden.
The pdf file about the mercury battery problem with building instructions for a battery adapter is subject to Frans de Gruijter's copyright and is made available for download here with expressive authorization from the author. Further publishing of this data or use for commercial purposes like sale of data or sale of print-outs does require authorization by the author.
Link setting:
I appreciate links to my site, I do not have any objections against deep-linking of single pages. I'd be thankful to get a short notice to the above e-mail addreass if you set any links to my site.
Technical issues:
All pages on are completely free from active content, you get the full functionality without JavaScript or Active-X controls.
All pages are checked and approved for HTML 4.01 standard compliance by the validator of the W3 consortium – therefore you will find the W3C-HTML 4.01 logo on each page.
I tried to keep the pages barrier-free and usable for people with bad sight.